What is Chromasensual?
At Chromacor, we have been defining new color and design processes for e-commerce that increase online sales by focusing target audiences on what they like most about a product and communicating that thought to them in the few short seconds we have to make the online sale. We’ve found that what usually excites people about products involves the senses. Taking the concept farther than “Smellovision,” our design process has been increasing sales in our clients’ e-commerce stores because the way we use color in images and store designs triggers positive associative thoughts, sounds, tastes, smells and memories about the products. Stay tuned for case studies, which we will soon be adding.
The Chromasensual color and design process (Patent Pending) induces a positive reaction to buy a product by making the product attractive to the senses of a target audience. Chromasensual design and color theory enhances desire for products in an e-commerce store by exciting the senses. With every e-commerce design and re-design project, we’ve been pinpointing what it is that draws customers to products, causing them buy in an e-commerce environment. When the primary motivator to buy is not price alone, it is usually a sensual association like sight, smell, taste, sound or touch.
Positive associations that can occur when browsing products in our Chromasensual e-commerce stores can include:
- Images of chocolate can evoke a taste or smell of fresh chocolate, causing a chocolate craving.
- The exact colors of fresh, tree-ripened avocados trigger smell and taste, causing hunger for avocados.
- Images of leather bags and purses can trigger the smell of new leather or the memory of the feel of supple leather, inducing desire for a new purse.
- Browsing auto parts can cause an auto enthusiast to hear the sound of a perfectly running engine or bring on thoughts of the heady smell of racing fuel when the engine is running just right – not too rich and not to lean.
- Artists browsing art supplies and paint brushes will often smell ink, paint or varnishes as they browse products.
With many different types of edible and non-edible products we find that buyers are attracted at a sensual and sometimes visceral level. We see a correlation in increased sales when the attraction involves one or more senses like sight, smell, sound, touch or taste. Positive associations and memories are triggered. Sales are made.